The Devon Fish & Game has established the annual Big Buck Competition effective the 2024 hunting season. Registration is NOW CLOSED.



The Big Buck Competition is restricted to current members of the Devon Fish and Game who are in good standing with their entry fees into the competition for the current competition year.

Entry fees will be open April 1st and close on August 20th of the competition year. 

Entry fees will be set by the Devon Fish and Game Awards Committee or designate annually.

The Big Buck Competition is limited to Antlered Whitetail which must be taken:

  • in the province of Alberta

  • on a valid Alberta hunting license

  • in accordance with the current Alberta Hunting Regulations

  • during a regulated hunting season within the competition year

All legal methods of harvest are eligible for entry (rifle, bow, black powder etc.).


Entries must be submitted, using the award entry form, on or before January 31st of the year following the competition year and measured by a Devon Fish and Game Official Alberta Scorer, preferably at the annual Devon Fish and Game Measure Day in January.

Scorers may enter their own animals into the competition, but may not score their own animals.

Gross scores (with no deductions) are used for judgment of the winner

All animals scoring within two inches of each other in the running for the win must be scored by a second scorer.

There is no second place.


Prizes are awarded at the Annual Devon Fish and Game Wild Game Banquet and Awards Night on the first Saturday in March. Prizes consist of the Champion’s name, score, and year engraved on the Big Buck Championship Belt, as well as 50% of the entry fees and a personalized belt buckle made by a silversmith.

Winners subsequently found to have taken their winning animal unlawfully or unethically will be reported to legal authorities, asked to return their buckle, struck from the belt, and publicly shamed.

Disclaimer: all entry materials including photographs (excluding mounts of skulls) submitted to or taken by the Devon Fish and Game or its representatives will be donated to the DFG. The entry materials will be used as the Club wishes.